1. Cost minimization
According to the statistics, outsourced services cost 20% lower than expenses on company’s own accounting service. Moreover, the employer saves on the payments related to the maintenance of work places and social contributions.
2. Responsibility for the result
A professional accounting company is financially liable for performed works and services in accordance with the concluded contract and respective legislation acts, and guarantees that all terms and deadlines are met.
3. Hardware and software
Outsourcing companies use their own software and hardware, thus you do not need to buy expensive servers and legal databases, and equip work places for accountants.
4. Amendments to the legislation
Specialists of outsourcing companies regularly keep track of all changes and amendments in the legislation and thus the risk to make a mistake is minimized. Internal auditors perform thorough service quality control.
5. Confidentiality
Personal data security agreements and commercial confidentiality agreements are signed with outsourcing companies.
6. Independence of the human factor
Outsourced accounting services are provided irrespective of sick or annual leaves or personal circumstances, outsourced accountants can be contacted at any time when needed.