Статьи на английском
2021-08-13 18:54 ARTICLES/REVIEWS

Business monthly main news: August 2021

The August of 2021 is going to be not only a common seasonal periodicity, but also a time for palpable changes in the business environment. 
This month is noteworthy for a whole series of changes: change-over to the new fiscal memory devices of online cash registers, abolition of obligatory gloves wearing, introduction of the taxists` work monitoring system. But the most interesting things happened within the entrepreneurial environment: profit tax relief for some groups of entrepreneurs, easing procedures for Individual Entrepreneurs and companies` notarial registration.
Everything sounds well here, though there are still a lot of things to be explained within each issue. 

New key interest rate of the Bank of Russia amounts to 6,5%

In July the Bank of Russia raised the key interest rate from 5% to 6,5%. According to an estimate of the Bank of Russia, the economy of the country returned to pre-pandemic activities and the raising of the key interest rate will contain inflation. 
In reality, this step will almost instantly instigate growth of the following lines:
  1. Fee and tax penalties.
  2. Payments on unexecuted liabilities.
  3. Damages for backdated wages or vacation pays.
  4. Loan interest and deposit rates.

Off with the gloves wearing in the public transport and service sector! 

By the end of July Moscow ditched the requirement of obligatory gloves wearing. It is subject to the following public places: 
  1. Places of supply of services, goods and jobs for citizens.
  2. Public transport.
  3. Stations.
  4. Taxis.

Employment History of a hired Person must be handed over in a new format

Since the 1st of August 2021 The Employment History of the Registered Person is accepted in a new format. This issue must be taken into account if you are experiencing any changes in the labour activity of your employees. 

The main change within this issue is the introduction of a job code, profession or speciality code which should be in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations. 

Registration of online cash registers adjusted only with the ФН-М fiscal memory devices

Since the 6-th of August your online cash register must be available to work with the fiscal documents for the marked goods. Today only two models comply with the updated requirements to fiscal memory devices — they are ФН-1.1М model available for 15 months and ФН-1.1М model available for 36 months. 
But what about the old models of the memory devices? You can continue using them after the 6-th of August if your memory device is registered with the Federal Tax Agency and it has not expired. 
Also remember that the online cash register which has been registered  after the 6-th of August  or a re-registered old one must maintain the formats of the fiscal documents of 1.2 version. 

Moscow taxi drivers must create a digital profile and be registered in a new system. 

Soon there will be the launch of the «Taxi work analysis»/«Аналитика работы такси»system . The registration in this system is obligatory for: 
  1. Taxi depots.
  2. Passenger car taxi drivers.
  3. Medicentres and tech centers working with taxi drivers. 
From the 14-th of August of 2021 the registration becomes obligatory and after that unregistered drivers may be left without a job. 
The system «Taxi work analysis»/«Аналитика работы такси» will store data on the available driving license, carrier permits, all the information on the tickets written and the amount of hours earned by a taxi-driver.

Simplification of notarial registration of Individual Entrepreneurs and companies 

From the 25-th of August notaries will be obliged to submit the applications for IE and company registration in digital format immediately after the attestation of signatures. 
You won`t need to make additional payments for submission of documents in the Tax Agency — the attestation of a signature and submission of application are the same notarial act. 
Notarial attestation of a signature of the application for registration won`t be required if there is no opportunity to submit the application personally or with the help of e-signature. 
The forms of attestation of VAT and property tax reliefs has been confirmed
The Tax Agency has confirmed the forms of the list of documents attesting VAT reliefs and the reliefs on property tax. These lists have to be submitted if the Tax Agency requires to attest the right to benefits in the form of a desk audit of a certain declaration. 
The same Tax Agency command confirms: 
  • list filling order;
  • the format of their submission to the Tax Agency — digitally or with the help of the operator of the electronic documents flow (ЭДО);
  • the period of dispatch — within 5 days.

Regions` opportunity to reduce the tax on the display of intellectual property results. 

Since the beginning of August the institutions working on the basis of the General Taxation System (ОСН) and having the profit from the transfer of exclusive rights, are able to pay the reduced income tax. 
Here is the list of conditions which are crucial to observe for your business to have a right to apply the reduced tax fee: 
  1. There is a certain law paragraph of the territorial entity of Russian Federation.
  2. Registration of the results on the intellectual property in the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Роспатент).
  3. Submission of these results under the licensed contract. 
  4. Separate accounting of the profits from the implementation of exclusive rights or from another type of activity. 

Cultural sector institutions will have the opportunity to pay income tax on a deferred basis 

In the beginning of August 2021 the benefits on income tax were enacted. These benefits are applied only to the spheres of creative activities, libraries, archive facilities of museums, art and entertainment institutions. This means that:
There are no requirements to submit the declarations for 2021.
  1. No need to make advance payments for these periods.
  2. Income tax can be paid just before the 28-th of March of 2022. 

Appliance of new documents for the persons without citizenship


On the 24-th of August of 2021 a new document appeared — a temporary ID of a person without citizenship. It is issued for a term of 10 years to those who haven`t neither Russian, nor foreign citizenship and also have no garanties of right of residence in any other country. 

The persons having a temporary ID can be hired under simplified procedure. 
Temporary ID of a person without citizenship is certified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (МВД) in a form of a paper booklet  88 х 125 mm in size.

The 1-st of September is the ending of a transition period on marking of photo product packages and perfumes. 

From the 1-st of September the imported photo products (photo cameras except for flash bulbs) and perfumery products (perfume and lotion water) as the parts of packages can be imported and sold within the Russian Federation only providing there is an obligatory marking and data entry in the marking system. 
Penalties for sale, storing and purchase for the purpose of sale  of the products not having the marking (if its obligatory) are as follows: 
  • for companies — 50 000—300 000 Rubles.
  • for Individual Entrepreneurs — 5000—10 000 Rubles;

The application for an online contract signature via the state services website 

In the beginning of August was launched «Госключ» — the application for online contract signature. You must have the confirmed account on «Gosuslugi»/«Госуслуги», a phone with the set up application and the available Internet if you would like to use this application. The processing is free.

We hope our article helped you to see some important issues of your business more clearly. If you still have any questions, then just submit a request in the form below and our expert will get in contact. And anyway, you always may save your precious time and leave all the tax and juridical issues for a responsible outsourcing company.