Статьи на английском
2016-11-30 12:49

Tatyana Moshkina speaks about the transfer to the new chart of accounts

“Vestnik NAUFOR” (No. 10, 2016) publishes an interview with Tatyana Moshkina, partner and head of the IAS banking and consulting group management consulting department. The issues were discussed during the interview related to the transfer of the professional participants of the securities market to the new chart of accounts and new Bank of Russia industry specific standards.

Tatyana, in particular, spoke about the off-the-shelf product “1C: Accounting and management for professional participants of the securities market” developed by our company, transfer stages to the new chart of accounts for professional participants, the necessity of detailed elaboration of methodological issues, functional requirements and technical specifications before the implementation, about the differences of such transfers – in particular with regard to insurance companies. She also explained how our specialists can help professional participants go through the stages of methodology development, product customization and staff training. In addition, Tatyana dwelt upon the implementation of the XBRL – the open international standard for digital business reporting – for non-bank financial institutions: its purposes and advantages as seen from the point of view of increased transparency and financial statements comparability.

The whole interview can be read in Russian on the NAUFOR web-site.