We are happy to announce that ООО NPF “Informauditservice” has successfully passed ISO 9001:2015 certification. This means that our management system in the sphere of integrated services for automation of management and accounting is in line with international requirements for management system in organizations.
Our approach and our expertise in the provision of respective consulting services, assistance in the selection of the software product, its sale, personnel training, design, development, commissioning and maintenance of information systems based on 1C software products have received a well-deserved praise.
We believe it is worth mentioning that the ISO 9001:2015 standard has been revised and now has some significant differences from its previous versions. One of the novelties is the necessity to take into account external economic, legislative, cultural factors, and certain global trends which may affect company’s strategic development. Also, a number of aspects have been elaborated in greater detail. Among them are:
- Identification and taking into account opinions of all concerned parties (not only customers)
- Top-management leadership skills when implementing quality standards
- Assignment of responsibility for compliance with standards to all employees
- Planning, support to processes, and the use of the PDCA method (“plan–do–check–act”) at all levels
- Focus on risk management, mentality focused on preventive measures and minimization of negative implications.